Patch for sound problems on AV and Power Mac models
Faces version 1.0, Welltris version 1.11 and Wordtris version 1.0 do not correctly play sound and music on Macintosh AV and Power Mac models.
To fix this problem, we have updated the "Sounds" file for each game with a newer sound driver. To update your game:
1. Rename your current copy of "Faces Sound," "Welltris Sounds" or "Wordtris Sounds" so you have a backup. For example, rename your current "Wordtris Sounds" to "Old Wordtris Sounds."
2. Copy the new "Sounds" file to the game folder on your hard drive. For example, click on the icon labeled "Wordtris Sounds" on this floppy disk and drag it to the Wordtris folder on your desktop.
Note: If you have a problem with the sound pausing or stopping, try toggling the sound off and on again from the menu bar in the game.
Tetris Gold owners
If you have the Tetris Gold CD-ROM, you can update your game to make the sound compatible on AV and Power Mac models. You will, however, need to install the game to your hard drive, and you will not be able to play the game from the CD-ROM.
1. Copy the game by clicking on the game folder icon and dragging it to your hard drive. For example, copy the "Wordtris MAC" folder from the CD-ROM to your hard drive.
2. Copy the new "Sounds" file to the game folder on your hard drive. For example, click on the icon labeled "Wordtris Sounds" on this floppy disk and drag it to the Wordtris folder on your hard drive.